Our version of yoga is not defined by a set sequence (as in the Ashtanga tradition), special equipment (like in Aerial Yoga) or a specific room temperature (Hot Yoga 🥵). Instead, we live, study and teach by 10 core principles.
Movement × Wisdom = Yoga
Yoga used to be purely spiritual. The royal path towards enlightenment. Today, yoga is predominantly physical. The royal path towards a great butt. Movement Wisdom Yoga puts equal emphasis on both dimensions because the magic of yoga happens where the physical meets the spiritual.
Every Body Is Unique
Humans are not just different on the outside, but also on the inside. That’s why "one-size-fits-all" cues don't work. Movement Wisdom Yoga embraces human uniqueness. We empower students by pointing out differences, offering specific advice and alternatives for every body.
But Every Thing Is One
Each of us is unique. But at the same time we're all one. Part of the same universal energy. And more connected than we think. Movement Wisdom Yoga allows students to experience the Oneness of all things. We opens eyes, change minds, and touch hearts.
Our Yoga Is Not Religious
The history of yoga is intertwined with the development of Eastern religions. But yogic ideas and practices are not religious. That's why Movement Wisdom Yoga does not require students to believe anything. Our yoga is simply an invitation to try out new things and see what happens.
Walk the Middle Path
As humans we are half material, half spirit. Half earthly, half cosmic. Half animals, half angels. Half chained, half free. Half real, half illusion. Half knowing, half wondering. Half here, half there. Half in, half out. That's why Movement Wisdom Yogis walk the Middle Path.
Put Safety First & Fun Too
Student safety is our highest priority. But safety alone is not enough. It’s only the foundation of a great experience. That’s why we put just as much emphasis on fun, lightheartedness, magic, and mystery. We want our students to enjoy their journey.
Be Trustworthy
The yoga world is full of outdated science, half-baked opinions and watered down platitudes. We aim higher. Movement Wisdom Yoga is based on meticulous research using only the most reliable resources available.
Be Your Own Guru
The ultimate goal of Movement Wisdom Yoga is to empower the student. So we focus on real insight and cut out all the noise. We make our teachings actionable. And we don't just share that (instructions, facts, figures), but also why (principles, logic, techniques).
Do the work
Yoga teachers we become credible when students feel that we speak from the heart. When it's obvious that what we say is based on personal experience. Not just theory or second-hand stories. Movement Wisdom Yoga teachers accept that there is no shortcut for personal experience and do the work.
Share the Magic
Yoga is the single most powerful practice that exists. It can turn blah into bliss, anger into love, desire into contentment, weakness into strength, conflict into peace, fear into trust, pain into health — and so much more. As Movement Wisdom Yoga teachers we are on a mission to share the transformational power of yoga in communities around the world.