❲ 200 Hour YTT ❳

The World Is Full Of Ordinary Yoga Teachers. Don't Be One Of Them!

Study with us instead. When you're done with this program you'll be among the top 1% of the most versatile, knowledgeable, and inspiring yoga teachers in the world.
✨Get Started For $0✨

Rated 4.9 / 5 on Yoga Alliance
Limited Availability. No credit card required.

To All Aspiring Yoga Teachers

This is the only 200 Hour Online YTT for those who don't just do yoga, but who are yoga.

If yoga pulses through your veins.
If it is your passion, your purpose, your path.
If there’s no dividing line where yoga “ends” and the rest of your life “begins”.
If you see yoga in everything, and everything in yoga...

Then this course was made specifically for you.

You get 10,000 hours of in-depth yoga studies and teaching experience from a yoga industry leader - all skillfully compressed into a single 200 hour YTT.

Upon graduation, you'll instantly be the most versatile, knowledgeable and inspiring teacher in your community, guaranteed. (Yes, even in this online format. Based on everything our grads have experienced, we stand by this statement 100%!)

You'll also shift towards a more attuned, aligned version of yourself. Your friends and family will wonder what magic has taken hold of you...

You'll revolutionize your personal practice and become the next evolution of You.

But please know this:

This YTT is not the path of least resistance.
This YTT is not superficial. It's not for anyone just hoping for a yoga teaching "hack," or the easiest path.

This training will challenge what you think you know - about yoga, about yourself, your body, and your world.

This training will teach you the heart, soul and science of yoga beyond what most students learn in even advanced yoga teacher trainings.

Some students shed their skin along the way.
You can’t unlearn what we teach you.
And when you're done, you won’t fit into the cardboard cutout of an "ordinary" yoga teacher. (You're welcome.)

We only want you if this depth is what you're after. You know who you are.
And we can’t wait to meet you. 🔥

With love,


Take The First Step Today ($0)

Enter your name and email below to reserve your spot in our next cohort starting April 1st. Lock in bonuses worth $3,500 and look behind the scenes of the training. Takes 10 seconds, costs you nothing, no strings attached.
Prep School Signup (#15)

❲ Why choose this Course ❳

10,000 hrs of yoga education packed into a single 200 hour YTT

Why This Course Exists

In order to become a household name in the yoga industry, our lead trainer Jess Rose had to invest 10,000 hours and almost $50,000 in her studies. She studied yoga in anatomy classrooms from North America to Europe. She immersed herself in yoga's spiritual and energetic practices in ashrams and gurukuls across India and Sri Lanka. She completed 8 YTTs, 23 specialty workshops, and read her way through 100s of books and research articles on yoga. Becoming an excellent yoga teacher shouldn't be this difficult. And the world needs more yoga teachers who really know their stuff. That's why Jess created this course.

What Makes This YTT Stand Out

Movement × Wisdom

Although many YTTs appear to teach similar subjects, most YTT teachers only understand (or care about) either the physical or the spiritual side of yoga. But the power of yoga is in the intersection of the two. That's why this training puts equal emphasis on exploring the Movement and the Wisdom of yoga. You will learn how to make them "dance" in perfect harmony.

4 Styles of Yoga

Most trainings only include one style of yoga. (They may "introduce" multiple. But that’s not the same as learning to teach them.) But excellent yoga teachers can offer their students the right practice for any mood or occasion. That's why in this course you will learn to practice and teach both fast / strong and slow / gentle practices.

Cutting-edge science

Most YTT trainers think yoga poses are one-size-fits-all, because that's what they were taught. In reality, every student in your class will have different bone structure, body proportions, and abilities. You can't give everyone the same cues - that doesn't cut it. This YTT is based on the latest research on yoga anatomy and movement science. It's for those who want to be cutting-edge, rather than outdated, yoga teachers.

Yoga Life Coaching

The wisdom of yoga is timeless and transformational. But for most yoga teachers in the West, yoga philosophy is an afterthought. Not in this training. You'll get an authentic understanding of the key concepts of yoga, begin to look at the world through the eyes of a yogi, and learn to sprinkle yogic wisdom into your classes to make them exceptional. This is life coaching, yoga style.

Confidence Booster

Most 200 hour YTTs: (1) don’t include enough teaching practice (2) don’t offer helpful feedback (3) don’t communicate what excellent yoga teaching even looks like and (4) don’t empower students to find their unique voice. The result: a lack of confidence and skill come graduation time. This program includes 15 hours of teaching practice. You get helpful, crystal clear feedback after every single session. You learn exactly what to aim for. And you are encouraged from day 1 to find your voice (rather than become a copy-cat version of Jess, or any other teacher).

What Students Say

The Most Powerful YTT On Yoga Alliance

Secret: Many YTTs have positive ratings, because it's easy to collect 5-star reviews when your students don't have a basis for comparison.

So yeah ... we're grateful to be one of the top-rated YTTs on Yoga Alliance (4.9/5). But what we really care about is that our students get super excited when they talk about our training. Because it actually transformed their self-worth, and changed their life.

Meet some of our graduates and see for yourself. None of this is scripted. All of it is straight from the heart.

Talk To A Graduate

Enter your details below and one of our 200 hour graduates will get in touch with you directly to answer any questions you may have.
200 Hour Talk To A Graduate Form (#17)

About Your Teacher

Study With An Industry Leader

Over 1 Million yogis from around the world practice with Jess online. Her unique ability to fuse modern movement science and ancient yogic wisdom into addictive asana classes takes the definition of yoga far beyond "stretching."

What's more, Jess is a professional educator with years of classroom experience. Students love Jess’ teaching because it is inspiring, clear, light-hearted and actionable.

❲ Sign Up Today ❳

The best yoga education money can buy - Only $5 per hour.

As Our Graduate, You Will...

teach both strong / fast-paced and slow / gentle yoga (yin & yang)
understand what matters (and what doesn’t) in each and every pose
take students beyond stretching with a broad range of meditation and breathwork practices
study the key concepts of yoga philosophy and how to apply them to real life
adopt a yogic mindset and bring more calm, vision, meaning and wonder into your life
optimize your personal practice based on your unique body and your goals
use pose modifications and variations to make your classes accessible and engaging for all students
pick up 1,000's of targeted and creative cues (many of which you’ve never heard before)
avoid using outdated one-size-fits-all cues (many of which you’ve probably heard 1,000x)
get 15+ practice hours and teach with authority, passion and confidence right from the start
set yourself apart by knowing how to help each student no matter their injuries, abilities, bone structure, or proportions
develop and fine-tune your personal teaching style and carve out your expertise in a booming $100 billion dollar industry
avoid all classic rookie mistakes and reasons for embarrassment in front of students
avoid feeling unprepared and inadequate after graduation and spending more money on a 2nd or even 3rd YTT to actually learn what you need to know
✨ Enroll Now ✨

Triple Quality Guarantee

We are beyond confident in the quality and outcome you will get from the Movement Wisdom 200 Hour YTT. We crafted this program to turn you into a yoga teacher of the highest caliber. Because we want to be able to practice with an inspiring, knowledgeable, skillful, life-changing yoga teacher no matter what city or town we find ourselves in. 😊 And we want this for everyone else, too. For this reason, we pour our energy into giving you every single thing you will need to follow your passion as a leader, a yogi, and a teacher. We only want your money if you absolutely love the course. And we care deeply about your success. That's why we offer you the Triple Quality Guarantee.


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Start the training and make sure it lives up to expectations. Want a refund? No problem, and no questions asked.


Transformation Guarantee

If you complete the course and you don't think that it has changed who you are and how you live your life in at least one very meaningful way, then you get your money back.


Best Teacher In Town Guarantee

After you complete the course you will not find another recent YTT graduate who knows more about yoga or is better qualified to teach than you. Otherwise you get your money back.

Bonus Package (worth $3,685)

$115 (limited availability!)

Complimentary Paper Manual

Keep all your notes in one place and make this virtual training tangible. Your manual is not just a loyal companion during your YTT, but also an invaluable resource for the years to come!
Movement Wisdom Pose Feedback Upgrade

30 × Personal Pose Feedback

Graduate from the training with 100% confidence that you're doing all of the poses in the exact "right way" for your unique body! Perfect your posture and techniques with detailed personal feedback from our highly skilled movement wisdom mentors.

10 Bonus Teaching Practice Sessions

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have ample opportunity to find your voice and perfect your craft with 10 optional extra teaching practices. Your teaching will be full of skill and confidence right from the start.

5 Class Sequence Reviews

Get personal help from us on your first 5 yoga class sequences. Know your classes are safe, creative, and ready to go from Day 1 as a professional yoga teacher.

Access To The YTT Podcast

Listen to the full 200 hour YTT (minus asana classes) right inside your favorite podcast player and add another layer of flexibility to your training experience.

Yoga Teacher Q&A Encyclopedia

Get answers to your burning questions as a yoga student and teacher. Our Q&A encyclopedia includes 800+ real world questions from our YTT students and graduates - all answered with expert knowledge from Jess.

Sanskrit Pose Names Training Set

Avoid embarrassing yourself in front of students because you mispronounce or don't know the Sanskrit names of poses. Using Sanskrit in your teaching is optional, but a great way to set yourself apart as an authority on yoga.

Teachers Club Membership

After graduation, join our worldwide community of Movement Wisdom teachers. A helpful and supportive place to share advice, inspiration, and stories.

❲ FAQ ❳

Your YTT Questions Answered


Hey, It's Jess 👋

I hope this page has all the info you need. But in case something's missing, or if you just want to have a quick chat with me before signing up - just let me know. I'm here to help and I can't wait to meet you! 😊

200 Hour YTT Contact Form(#16)

Are you crazy ...

About This Training

What you do need ...

Everything you need to enjoy this training and succeed.
An open mind, a genuine passion for yoga, and a sense of humor
The desire to transform and evolve
Props (1 yoga mat, 2 blocks, 1 bolster, 1 blanket) and a space to practice
Internet connection and a phone, computer, tablet or smart TV

What you don't need ...

Stuff you may think you need to have or do - but you don't.
To drop your religious beliefs / subscribe to a "yoga religion"
An advanced asana practice, or gymnast-level flexibility
A certain age, shape, level of flexibility or body type
An empty schedule / lots of time for live Zoom calls
To want to teach yoga professionally
To speak English natively (If you understand this page, you'll be fine)

Aren't you too *insert your thing* for a 200 Hour YTT?

What you can expect ...

Things that we can promise you in good conscience.
To learn more about yoga than you ever thought was possible
A binge-worthy, fascinating, and inspiring yoga experience
Ample opportunity to develop your teaching skills
Detailed personal feedback on your posture, technique and alignment
A safe, open-minded and supportive learning environment
A friendly, helpful and responsive Movement Wisdom team
To get all of your yoga-related questions answered

Please don't expect ...

Things that are outside of our control or practically impossible
That this training will always be "easy" or go exactly as planned
1-on-1 calls with Jess

Logistical Questions