Summer Rose L.

July 3, 2023
Featured image for “Summer Rose L.”

Ahhhhhh! I don’t even know where to start!! Words cannot even express how much love and gratitude I feel for you and Movement Wisdom. I will forever be grateful to have had the opportunity to train with you. When I began this course (probably like most people) I was super interested in teaching these incredible poses to people and I was very interested in meditation. But I honestly had no idea I’d get to weave History, Philosophy and Anatomy into my classes as silly as that may sound. It helped me find a completely new love for yoga and excitement to play around with all these concepts and working out how to weave them together and I have you to thank for that! I’ve never felt so ‘grounded’ in my life. I’ve been on a massive self discovery path over the last few months and it’s been a life changing experience. I’ve been able to truly become the best version of myself and I feel so connected to who I am and I think I’ve even found my Dharma!! I have loved every minute of the training and just wanted to absorb every single word!
