Christine K.

September 18, 2024
Featured image for “Christine K.”

Thank you for this wonderful course. I really enjoyed all of it. I took this course because after 20 years of practicing, I just wanted to learn more about yoga and the philosophies and the meditations and the asana. I found it so valuable and just worth all the 200 hours plus the innumerable time I spent trying to learn how to teach yoga that I’ll never actually teach, but I think I actually could do it and do it well under your excellent guidance. My favorite things about this course were the meditations and the philosophy and the breathing exercises. I definitely picked up a lot of cues on how to deepen a pose or pull back on a pose. The teaching practices were definitely useful. I really did not know if I would go through the course after the first of them because I was so miserably bad at teaching. But Hanna was just so kind and compassionate and encouraging and if it hadn’t been for Hanna, I would not have done the teaching practices and gotten the certification. But she really just got me to see how to do it and to do it well. I love the course. It was great. I wish you success and I would definitely recommend this to anybody.
